Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Gay- Straight alliance slides

This is the first slide Shona and I did together This is just a little information about Tiger-Pride GSA it tells you what a Gay-Straight Alliance is and what ours is about just click Tiger-Pride Gay-Straight Alliance to see the Google Slide.

Here is a link to the  Google slide Shona and I did on the NC Bathroom Bill for the GSA Just click Bathroom Bill.

Here is the list of Black LGBTQI+ Icons that was done for Black history  month if you want to see the Google Slide just click: Black LGBTQI+ Icons

Here is the slide on The lesser known parts of the LGBTQ+ spectrum or should I say lesser talked about polysexual and polyromantic parts of the spectrum just click: The lesser known to see the slides.

This is Shona's slide on The Asexual/Aromantic parts of the spectrum I hope you enjoy there are some videos embedded and it's just nice click: Asexual/Aromantic to see the slides.

Here is a slide on the Stonewall Riots it's really informational and empowering this is where the modern day Gay rights movement began so click: Stonewall Riots to see the slide show. 

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